Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer.....not just for relaxing!

What did you do this summer? Start a business with your best friend? Ooh, that was me. I guess I didn't spend anytime relaxing though!

If you haven't yet been informed of this exciting venture, read on. 

We wish we could say that we've been dreaming of opening this business, or any business for that matter, for years. But No Nonsense Nannies was created out of inspiration and encouragement from friends, an evident need in the community for nannies, and a passion for children and families. This business fell into our laps one day early this Summer; it was an exciting prospect that grew into an amazing business start-up between friends. Laurie and I have experienced so much together, and we are excited (and surprised) to add business partners and co-founders to that list. Growing this business from a seed of an idea into a realistic business plan that is coming to life has been such a journey. We never could have done this without the help and advice we have received from friends and family. 

Shout-out time:
Allison Talamantez- You are the one who really got us going on this idea, you have been helpful and inspiring in so many ways. Working in business and having the inside scoop on social media, as well as being an awesome mom was so helpful to us; especially in the very early days of our planning. 

Kevin & Jen Sherwood- You have offered us so many helpful tips, words of advice, and guided us in the right direction. As they already run a fantastic business: Roseville Family Chiropractic; they have been a huge help with them being fantastic parents as well. They even helped us come up with and decide on our company name!

Friends- Thank you for offering us support and encouragement in this process, those of you that we've already gotten a chance to talk to about this business have been so positive and interested in what we are doing and it's just a huge blessing! Some of you are even interested in being nannies for our company when we open up (soon!); which we think is pretty fantastic.

Family- I know I've run a thousand logos, website creations, ideas, etc. by my family; they have also been really supportive and offered their honest thoughts and opinions about our crazy concoctions. 

Previous employers- I can't say your names for security reasons; but you know who you are! You've allowed us to use photos of your precious children for our website. This was SO helpful to us, a time and money saver, and since we know and love your kids already: why not have them as the faces of our company? Plus, they're pretty darn cute. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has been involved in this process. And if you would like to become involved, send over a message! Our goal is to have a soft opening within the next few weeks to a month, with a few nannies and clients on board to test out the waters and get things moving; and by next year we hope to have a grand kickoff, where we go BIG and advertise further into the community!

Please pray for us as we continue in our adventure. As friends and family, we rely on you for support and your prayers would be appreciated. Here are a few particular requests to guide you in specific prayers for us.

  • Financial backing: Please pray that we can find people or other companies who are willing to invest in our small company. We have both put a lot of our own money into the endeavor and need to find ways to help us recoup the upfront costs.
  • Time: Please pray that we can manage our time wisely as Kayla will be student teaching and Laurie is a full-time live-in nanny for twins.
  • Patience: We both need patience as we work on this project together. We are anxious to get the business up and running, but we want to take things slowly and make sure it is done right. 

Starting up a business has been so much work and so much fun. We definitely didn't plan on doing this, but we thank God for the opportunity. We are incredibly excited to officially announce our plans to our friends and family. Thanks for checking this out; we really appreciate the support, and hope that you will hear more about us in the near future!

Potty Training....Oh Boy!

If you ever thought potty training one kid was hard....just try 2 kids at once. Oh and did I mention their only two years old! We started potty training before they even turned 2 because Kenzie decided one morning she hated having a wet diaper on so she took it off and proceeded to pee all over her mom and dad's bed; thus we began the long journey of potty training.
Now we are in month 5 of potty training and things are looking hopeful! However, two steps forward always means a bazillion steps backwards! For one week straight Kenzie told us she had to go potty and went only in the potty. All of a sudden she had decided to be lazy and go in her panties or diaper (whichever one happens to be on). Cooper has great control of his bladder, but even when standing next to the potty, would prefer to go poop on the ground! Seriously many times have we told you that poop goes in the potty!
I digress now, yesterday was the official end to day time diapers. This has been an adventure. Yesterday went very well. Today, great for Cooper, but not so great for Kenzie; she had two accidents at the mall. Oh have I mentioned the super cool mall potty?
Mall Potty!!!! If you haven't experienced the family restroom at the Roseville Galleria Mall, you must go! It's super neat and has tiny kid potties! We go every morning just to practice going potty and then we go play at the various mall parks. Both kids love it and request it every morning!
Ok enough potty talk....we are in crunch time. The goal is to have both kids potty trained by the time we leave for Hawaii on September 8th. Wish me (and the parents) a ton of luck!!!!