Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kid's Say the Darndest Things!

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've written....I'm horrible at this whole Blogging thing, however the last few days have been filled with some quite fun and entertaining phrases and conversations from Kenzie.

Yesterday Kenzi we were at the park and Kenzie looks at Cooper and says; "C'm Phoop! (that's what she calls him since she doesn't have her hard C down yet) Let's count together!" And in unison the two of them began to slowly count to 10. It was way too cute!

This morning while I was lying down on the sofa, Kenzie laid down next to me and said; "I wuv you Wah, Wah.....I wuv gama and gampa too!) Want to melt a nanny's heart? That'll do it!

Now I have to share a status from a friend of mine on facebook regarding what one of her preschooler's said in class today. It was just way too cute to not leave.

This is courtesy of Michelle Ross:
"Today I taught about the number 2. I asked my kids what they had 2 of on their body (ya know 2 eyes, ears, hands) eventually they got that but the first response a little boy turned his butt to me and said, "two butts" hahahahahahahaha"

Ok, so maybe there wasn't a whole lot to share...I should have been writing down our conversations rather than trying to remember them! Oh well! Hope you enjoy my latest Twin Tale!